Special care for party wear

We all know that organic, natural fibres are more environmentally friendly than synthetic fabrics, but when it comes to the festive season many of us reach for glamorous items and party wear in made-made materials for sparkle and durability. To reduce the impact of these items, we should try to only buy things we really love (and will bring out year after year) and make sure we care for them properly to keep them looking great for as long as possible.

Taking the time to care for your festive clothing is not only beneficial for the appearance, condition and longevity of your garments, it also affects their impact on the planet. It is estimated that up to 20% of an item of clothing’s environmental emissions are generated after its purchase. We asked our Garment Technologist Breda Conlon for some helpful hints and tips to reduce microfibre shedding and damage and help keep your special party pieces in your festive wardrobe for longer.

Planet-conscious clothing care tips

Wash your clothes less

‘You can wear your garment a few times before it needs a wash (aside from underwear and workout gear, of course),’ says Breda. Less wash loads will be kinder to the planet and also kinder to your clothing, as it will protect the fibres, colours and any embellished details for longer. ‘In between washes, air the garment for a few days and use a fabric refreshing spray on the inside of the garment to keep it fresh.’ Breda recommends using the fabric spray in an inconspicuous area first to avoid any damage.

When it is time to pop it in the wash, check the label, as different fabrics have different care instructions, and some might be hand-wash only. ‘And avoid the tumble drier,' says Breda. ‘It consumes a lot of energy and the heat can shrink or warp delicate fabrics, metallic embellishments and sequins. Air-drying is best.’

Use laundry bags or balls

‘Party wear and other items made from synthetic materials like polyester can shed microplastics into the water system, so when washing try using a microfibre-catching device,’ recommends Breda. There are a few different technologies available, including special washing bags (which also prevent delicate clothing rubbing against other items) and laundry balls, designed to trap microfibres.

Washing bags can also be useful for festive knitwear, to avoid snagging and bobbling. ‘And using an eco-friendly laundry detergent free from harmful chemicals such as bleach, phosphates and chlorine, will be better for your garment as well as the environment,’ says Breda.

Reduce the water temperature

Washing your party clothes at a lower temperature protects the garments from shrinkage and fading as well as saving on energy and microfibre shedding. Breda recommends a gentle wash cycle at a maximum of 30°C using a detergent suitable for washing delicate fabrics, on a spin cycle below 1,000 to prevent damage.

Wash clothes inside out

When you wash your items inside out, it protects the structure of the outer surface, which gets washed and tumbled in the machine more gently. ‘Also, avoid overfilling the machine as it can cause friction between clothing items during washing, which can further damage the fibres and any embroidery, beading or sequins,’ says Breda. Wash similar items together rather than teaming delicate items with rougher items such as jeans.

Steam instead of iron

‘Steaming is much gentler on occasion-wear than ironing, as the heat from the machine does not come into direct contact with the fabric,’ explains Breda. And when you have delicate silky fabrics and details such as beading, sequins and metallic stitching, using a fabric steamer is far better for your clothes (and quicker). Alternatively, hang the garment up in a steamy bathroom and ensure it is completely dry before you put it away.

How to care for party pieces

Breda's top tips for looking after delicate fabrics and clothing with embellished details.

Spot-clean stains and spills

For fabrics that can encounter water, remove stains using a cotton wool bud dipped in a mixture of mild stain removal product and water. Rinse this with another cotton bud dipped in water and pat with kitchen paper or a clean towel before air-drying.

For spills on dry-clean-only items, limit the damage by soaking up the spill with kitchen paper, dabbing until all the moisture has been removed. Circulate a gentle flow of cool air around the inside of the garment with a hairdryer on a cool setting – do not point it directly onto the garment.

Store your clothes well

Proper protection from dust and moths will of course help your clothes last longer. Store your clothing in a cool, dry place away from moisture, sunlight and heat, and don't overfill your wardrobe. A wardrobe crammed with clothes leads to creasing, colour fading and items rubbing against each other. ‘Hang embellished garments on padded hangers, using the hanging loops to support their weight,’ recommends Breda. ‘Garment bags will help protect more luxurious and delicate items.’

Learn some basic clothing repair skills

Being able to neatly stitch up a hole or sew a button back on will help to keep your clothes in their best condition so that you’re not always having to buy new. Knowing how to tackle common stains and the best way to remove bobbles from a festive woollen knit will also help to extend the life of your items.

Give clothes a second life

The final part of taking care of your party clothing involves making sure it goes to a good place when you’ve got all the wear out of it that you can. If it’s still in good condition you could either do a clothes swap with a friend or send your item to OB x Reskinned, our new partners who take unwanted clothing and accessories, to recondition and resell on our pre-loved resale platform, ensuring nothing goes to landfill. Pieces that cannot be reconditioned for resale will be repurposed or responsibly recycled. Why not try mixing in a few pre-loved items to your wardrobe this year to reduce your environmental footprint?