Tangle-free tips: how to keep your scarves organised through the seasons

Scarves are not just winter essentials; they're seasonal accessories that often need storing for long periods of time. We’ve put together some tips on how to store scarves effectively, so you can enjoy your scarf collection year-round, hassle-free.

Sort your scarves

Before diving into storage, take stock of your scarves and remove any you no longer wear or need. Sorting your scarves will not only simplify the storage process but also help you rediscover forgotten favourites. Consider donating your pre-loved OB scarves to Reskinned, who will recondition them to resell to another customer, or responsibly recycle them.

Decide on a method

The first decision to make is whether to fold or roll your scarves. Delicate fabrics like silk may benefit from folding, while thicker blanket scarves are often better rolled. Both methods prevent wrinkles and creases.

Divide your drawers

If you have spare drawer space, invest in drawer dividers so folded scarves can be neatly placed side by side. Dividers keep your collection organised and make it easy to find the scarf you want. If you have shelves in your wardrobe or storage furniture, stack your folded scarves for easy access.

Use hanging storage

Scarves draped over storage hooks offer easy access and makes a feature of both items. Avoid overloading the hanger to prevent wrinkles – lightweight scarves work best on hooks and are slim enough to hang in smaller spaces, while heavyweight scarves are easy to roll into storage baskets.

Protect and preserve

For long-term storage or to protect against dust and moisture, use zipped storage bags to keep your scarves organised. Direct sunlight can cause colours to fade over time, so avoid storing scarves in places where they'll be exposed to harsh sunlight. It’s also a good idea to rotate your scarves seasonally, keeping in-season scarves accessible for when you need them.