How to unshrink a jumper

Disaster... You've popped your favourite knit in the dryer by mistake and now it’s shrunk. Don't panic – our Garment Technologist, Breda Conlon, assures us it is possible to unshrink a wool jumper and restore it back to its original glory, and it takes just five simple steps. And all you need is something you already have at home - hair conditioner.

Unshrink your jumper with hair conditioner

1. Start by filling your sink with lukewarm water and about a third of a cup of hair conditioner, making sure to wait until the conditioner has dissolved.

2. Add your knit and leave it to soak for about 20 minutes. Massage it occasionally to ensure the conditioner is worked into the fibres.

3. Drain out the water, and when the sink is empty, press and gently squeeze the knit to release the water, but do not wring it.

4. Lay out a towel and place your jumper flat on top of it, before sandwiching another towel on top. Press down gently all over to absorb the water.

5. Gently stretch your jumper back into its original shape and lay over an airer or hang on a padded coat hanger to allow it to finish drying naturally. Congratulate yourself for being a domestic goddess.

When it comes to knitted cardigans, winter dresses and woollen sweaters, either make sure you’re washing knitwear at the correct temperature and on the correct setting or stay safe by avoiding the washing machine altogether and handwashing instead. ‘Whatever you do,’ advises Breda, ‘keep your woollens away from the tumble dryer!’