Expressions Of Zeena Shah

@HEARTZEENAZeena Shah is an art director, stylist, designer, illustrator and author based in East London. Trained as a textile designer, Zeena’s love of surface pattern continues with her series of DIY craft tutorials and Sunday Crafternoons over on her Instagram. Her mission is to spread the crafting love with her colourful and creative style.

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Get to know Zeena

How do you express your creativity?
In absolutely everything I do! My creativity really is a part of me and my identity, whether it's the way I pull an outfit together, or the way I style my dinner table, or the way I marble a card for a friend's birthday. It's an intrinsic connection.

How does this bring you joy?
Being able to express myself in my own unique way will always be a huge joy bringer. I feel so lucky to be able to do what I love and have the opportunity to create in a way that brings me and those around me joy.

Who or what is your creative inspiration?
I find inspiration everywhere, but the first place I look if I need an idea sparker is nature. It is full of endless inspiration and has the power to recharge your batteries, as well as spark ideas. Colour palettes in nature are especially inspiring and you'll definitely see a connection between nature and the colours I wear and work with. I also love books, galleries and people-watching. Inspiration really is everywhere, you just have to keep your eyes open.

How did you start your creative journey?
I studied Textile Design at Chelsea School of Art and fell in love with printmaking and creating designs for fabric, as well as making clothes and interior pieces. Being able to use colour and ink to create something physical so immediately was a lot of fun and such a rewarding process to learn. I realised when I graduated that getting a job as a textile designer was near impossible, and so I quickly learnt to become a multi-hyphen creative. I worked as a runner and a prop stylist in the art department for TV adverts, and then began to teach workshops sharing my love of craft and inspiring everyone to make things. I also had a collection of homewares I sold for a number of years before I wrote my first book about printmaking, and then I moved in-house to work in art direction and styling for a bit more security. It was a tough journey but I'm so grateful and lucky to have been able to do what I love, and I’ve learnt so much along the way. It's allowed me to go freelance again and I'm thrilled to have written another book all about another craft I'm addicted to: marbling!

What advice would give someone embarking on a journey of creative self expression?
Life is too short to not give it a try. Be brave and have fun, what's the worst that can happen?

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